
How do I put on hip pads and the tailbone pad for football??

by  |  earlier

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My girdle dosent have pockets for them, but the pads have the buttons on them. how to I put them on????? oh yea and I cant get a new girdle




  1. If they dont fit in your girdle put them through your belt. If they dont have slits in them ask your coach and he will make two slits in them for you.  

  2. they have buttons so look for button holes on ur girdle!!!

  3. if you can not get thme into your girdle use a belt and run it through the slits on the top of your hip/tail pads. If there are no slits you screwed and need new pads and/or girdle

  4. I gather this is your own private gear. The pads with buttons are made to attach directly to the pants without a girdle. If the pants don't have snaps, you either need new pants or a new girdle.

    If you are using school or team equipment, they should fix that for you.

  5. please tell me the site where you can intercept calls

  6. in your gurdle

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