
How do I put songs from LimeWire on my iPod?

by  |  earlier

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Is there a way to do this? If so, how. My brother's fiance says that's what he uses.




  1. Right click the file that finished downloading. Click EXPLORE, and it will lead you directly to the song file. Then cut and paste it, or copy and paste it to wherever you want it. Then double click it and iTunes should open it. Then, plug in your ipod and let it update. And there ya go!

  2. yeahh its real easy just download the songs and then click explore and they should open in itunes.

  3. the songs that u want.

    2.when the songs are complete just drag

    and drop in to the itunes library.

  4. You can do it by playlist too to get all of your songs at once. Go to your library on Limewire and click on the song you want to add and click "enqueue" and then add all the songs you want. Save it your documents. Then go to iTunes and go to the file menu and select import. Pick the playlist you made. It adds all the songs from your limewire playlist, rather than doing it one song at a time.

  5. first once you download the songs you want. go to the start menu on windows and go to my documents. then go to limewire and once in the limewire folder, go to your "saved" folder. then open up itunes and once you have both open, instead of copying and pasting the song, you drag the song and it should say in a box on itunes that it was added to the list and you should see it. its real easy!

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