
How do I put the head from one photo on the body of another

by  |  earlier

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Is there anyway without using photoshop to put the head from one picture on the body in another, like with paint or picnik or something?




  1. It would be very difficult with paint but it would be possible. you would have to select the free form select tool then carefully trace the head and then place it on the body

  2. Hi Xoq

    First, take the body that you need and erase the face up to the neck but not including the neck.

    Now , open the head that you need  and use the magic wand to remove the background, invert the image . Now , expand the outline with a '1' setting, copy and paste it yo the body.

    Now , this gets tricky but what the heck.... Resize the body or the head so that both look in proportion. Your task now, is to use the clone tool and clone around the joint of the head and neck.

    If you do it right, your job should come out beautiful because that is an easy job. Take your time and you should succeed.

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