
How do I put up with ignorance and verbal abuse from other races?

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I am caucasian and attend a predominantly black school, everyday i endure the same verbal abuse and mistreatment because of the color of my skin. Now the one thing that gets me is if I were to reply with a racial slur or any reference to the color of their skin that would automatically make me "racist".. How do I handle this? and does anybody el's understand why its ok for them to attack me because of my color but not ok for me to reply with a slur just as bad about theirs?




  1. Go to the principal or sue the school district. I'm black and I feel racism from anyone is wrong.

  2. I'll offer a wildly unpopular answer in the pussified western world, but violence is sometimes the answer.

    Make it an immediately unrewarding decision to mess with you and people will leave you alone.  But remember, if you choose the path of violence then take the time to be good at it, otherwise the ridicule will double.  Prepare, prepare, prepare.

    Besides..don't let the phony criticism of "racist" bother you.  It has been so overused by the herd of mindless sheep of every color that it is a meaningless accusation. All that is needed is for you to realize that.

    Wars of words are for lesser beings...act and say nothing.  A foot on the neck of a downed adversary is a universal language....learn to speak it.

  3. Just ignore them they are immature and by them picking on you they are probably trying to make themselves feel better because they have low self esteem don't let it get to you or stand up for yourself

  4. Racism = power + prejudice. The majority race often has power (but not always) In this case it sounds as though the institution does nothing in response to the abuse you suffer. Ask for a copy of the equal opportunity policy and prepare your case before you arrange a meeting with the Head Teacher. Good luck.

  5. Just keeping nice to them as best as you can. I sure no one will be cruel to you as long as you always nice to him/her? they will see it one day.

    Help mine.;...

  6. They are just jealous. Laugh at them and ignore it.  

  7. I agree with the first person and I'm african american! We can be so ignorant at time!

  8. Just say, "Why are you being racist?"

    That will throw them off something vicious.


    Even better: just say "Kiss my @ss **********."

  9. Welcome to the club!

    You are a member of the ethnic group of people that have less rights than any other.

    You are at the very bottom of the politically correct pile

    You CANNOT be discriminated against

    You are SINGLE, WHITE, MALE.

    Me too.

    Pah !

  10. You should tell them that they talk all big about white people being so unfair and racist to black people but that would mean they're hypocrites now because they're acting in the exact same way to you.

  11. Well Dave, I can completely understand where you are coming from. Of course it is ok for them to attack you, but once the white fight back for their rights other races pull the "slavery card, or we invaded their land". Everybody needs to get over this S*** it is getting old, and its not like they are slaves, their ancestors were so they need to suck it up and realize that they are living a much better life, and if they dont like to hear what you think than what makes it ok for them to tell you what they think. Everyone needs to get over their issues.  

  12. sucks to be you..jk but I would ignore it, the best I could..

    if things passed your limit talk to the principle, a teacher

    or anyone with some authority..or ask your parents if there's

    anyway you could change schools.

  13. I would bring it up to a teacher or the principal.  They should encourage racial sensitivity classes to help everyone get along.  If someone made a comment to me, I would ask why they feel the need to comment on my skin color.  Or say "I don't judge you based on your skin or call you insensitive names.  I would appreciate the same respect."  Just be sure your attitude is not living down to the slurs.  Treat them with respect and it will be hard for them to be mean to you if you don't react defensively.

  14. First, it is not OK that you are being treated this way.  Consult your principal, teachers, and guidance councelor for a peaceful resolve and/or to monitor your progression with making the peace with those who are discriminating against you.

    You are a minority in that school, thus a free target to place the difficulties in life towards. You HAVE to understand that teen-aged years are some of the toughest in finding out who you are, who you identify with and what you want to be... Right??

    Because you are different in your race, they feel a camaraderie amongst themselves and you will always be considered odd man out, unless you convince them you are a person worthy of their thoughtfulness.

    I think the real question here is: How can you get them to accept you and quit acting as though you are different from them simply because of skin tone.

    -- To that I would say--

    Take an interest in them, what they like, find a common ground that you both like and grow from there.. I mean Geez, all teens like video games of some sort ..right?  So maybe you have your comebacks be, 'Oh yeah?, Well, I could still whoop you in mortal combat, or guitar hero... (add your fav video game here.. I don't play games).. and see what happens..Perhaps nothing, perhaps laughter, perhaps they take a bite and reply with a video game you've never heard of and the conversation grows...

    The point is, if you take a personal interest in them you invest yourself in bridging the gap you are feeling right now.. leveling the playing field can be done in a simple single common interest. Find that key to understand them better, and likewise, they will understand you as well.

    I really wish you hadn't asked about replying to the racist comments with more racist comments...

    You know 2 wrongs don't make it right... don't you?  Do you really feel the things you want to say back, or is it only fueled by the hurt and helpless feelings because a person said horrible things to you?  Why?? Why would you want to be as hateful? It only adds to the problem and confirms that it is OK to say these things to you, because you want to say and/or do things against them.  Bust this myth about yourself, take the high road, joke it off, mend the fences in whatever way you can, but ALWAYS be human.

    Don't let someone else's judgement of your outsides determine who you are on the inside.

  15. It is definitely not okay that they say those things to you or that you have to put up with it.  Racism is racism, no matter who it is coming from.  You should make the teachers and/or principle aware of what is going on and if they refuse to help you, go public with it.

    Edit - Techno, your logic is twisted.

  16. I don't get black people they complain about racism but yet they also commit racism. racism from any race black/white/hispanic/asian is WRONG but it will never end. the best thing you can do is talk to a mature adult or teacher about it because if you insult them it will only make things worse  

  17. well, you just have to ignore them or transfer to another school.

    When I first came to this country as an exchange student from Japan, I had to put up a LOT. Quite frankly, I don't like this country at all, people are rude here with no manners. I am so glad that my program is almost over, can't wait to go back to my own country. This country is full of problems, that's for sure.

    p.s. You should just hang in there, stupid rude people will never change.

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