
How do I...........?

by  |  earlier

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how do i know if ive been cursed by anything what not, and how do you normally test it, or how do you get rid of it..

Thnaks bunches!




  1. Mind of matter inspirited into your cosmic brain no-doubt.

  2. You are cursed by mis-information and ignorance until you walk in the light of truth that God reveals to all that have received His Spirit, and who are taught of Him.

    So, one simple sure way - repent, get baptised unto Jesus death ansd receive His Spirit (evidenced by speaking in tongues).

    Then you will thank God bunches

  3. meditate on it

    curses only work if you alow them too

    i know many will disagree but it is true

    dont fear it and then banish it

    and then find the b*****d who tries to give it to you

    and make him pay!

  4. When you do typos.

  5. Oh jeez... Why do you think you have been cursed? You could probably do a complicated scrying spell to discover your curser, a generic protection spell, use charms for protection, the list goies on and on.  
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