
How do I quickly increase my crediy score?

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How do I quickly increase my crediy score?




  1. Raise your monthly earning level but  thats no quick or easy to do..

  2. There is no way to quickly raise it

  3. To raise credit score

    1. Always pay on time or ahead of time.

    2. maintain low balances on credit cards

    3.To boost your score: Don't charge anything for at least 60 days before applying for a loan

    4. keep your total potential debt to earnings load low - If you have a card with a $15000 credit line, you may ask them to reduce it to something more realistic, like $5000.

    5. You should have a recent history of both installment or term (Car or house loans) and revolving credit.

    6.To boost your score: Don't close unused accounts when you transfer debt.

    7.To boost your score: Consider opening another credit-card account or two, or taking out a car loan or small bank loan.


  4. piggyback on someone's good credit. this will stop eventually and experian has already stopped this but equifax and transunion still use authorized user to calculate FICO scores. Get yourself to be an authorized user on someone's good credit and you will see a jump. dont s***w their credit. and by the way, you are counting on the fact that they dont s***w their credit up either.

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