I met some ppl whom invited me to church. I went back 3 times after my first visit not because I wanted to but out of respect for the ppl. See, it was a pastor and his wife. They've been trying to help me find a job but I've been looking for one myself and I have booked an interview next week. I kind of told them that I was a church hopper or pretty much that I was a nomad when it came to religion. I've basically been to every kind of church (catholic, baptist, assembly of God, etc) I will go to any if its in good faith. The thing is I don't dislike them or their church but I'm starting to feel threatened to go. I do consider them my friends and they do call me to remind me about church but i'm starting feel like they want me to join the church. I've been thinking and I consider my non-denominational and I even remember that I was a member of a church that I live a block away from now. I want to start going back to that church because when I went there I immediately felt like family and I've had lots of emotional (happy) times there. Its just that stopped going for no reason. Yea, but my whole thing is I was suppose to go to bible study but I had a long day in school (university) and I felt so drained and tired that I came home and went to sleep. I feel so much guilt now and when I go. Plus, i'm doing tough classes this sem. How do I get myself out of or approach this situation?
I do read the Bible daily and I read those Daily Word books.