
How do I rate music while playing the Launchcast radio? I can't find the rating tool.?

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How do I rate music while playing the Launchcast radio? I can't find the rating tool.?




  1. When your box comes up showing the song, artist, etc playing scroll to the bottom of the that box. On the right of the artist, song, album, there will be places where you can mark how many stars for each individual category.

  2. This situation may be due to having an incomplete or otherwise corrupt version of the Flash software installed on your browser.  If this is the case, try reinstalling this by pointing your browser to:

    and downloading the latest Flash package.

  3. When you watch or listen to Launchcast Radio, there should be an advertisement at the bottom of the window. If you look upwards, you can rate the album, music, or artist. This is where you rate, out of 5. You can also search for the music and rate it from there.

  4. Look by the album, song, and artist.

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