
How do I redeem my iTunes gift card?

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I recently bought a 25$ iTunes gift card in the US and I live in Canada. When I go to redeem my card in the US store, it says my account is only valid for purchases in the Canadian iTunes store and when I go to redeem it in the Canadian iTunes store, it says the card is only redeemable in the US store.

What can I do?




  1. i would contact their support, either that or you typed the code in wrong.

  2. go 2 the itunes store and under the QUICK LINKS botton click redeem! if that doesnt work call up costurmer service!!thats what i did

  3. go 2 the itunes store and under the QUICK LINKS botton click redeem! if that doesnt work call up costurmer service!!

  4. Create a new account that is in the US. If you are in the US, create a new account and add the gift card. I suggest you do not do this if you want to keep your music onto 1 full account. I think you can transfer license music from a US account to a Canadian account. This you must call their customer support

    I suggest calling Itunes first before going this route. Thats your best answer to this question. There are good answers here but there is a way for you to use this card, just you got to call up Itunes and they will credit your account to your canadian account. If they don't they will find a solution to this

  5. you want to call an Apple Store where they can help you out. if you email Apple it will take forever for them to contact you back.

    you need to find one in your area..

    Good Luck

  6. This is going to sound dumb, but you need to create a new account, but instead of using your address, make up one and give it a US city and state. If you signed up with your Canadian address, it won't let you use a US iTunes card.

  7. I have been using iTunes for nearly 5 years now and i have also dealt with some problems(though i still love itunes). I hate to say it but I think your kind of out of luck here. You probably should have purchased the gift card in Canada. I honestly don't know why iTunes doesn't have an open store for everyone. There have been so many times where Ive wanted to buy items from the UK store and couldnt because I live in the US. However to your advantage, iTunes customer support is bar none the greatest Ive ever come across. They are very helpful. EX. I had downloaded an episode of South Park and i synced it to my iPod, watched it once than it was deleted from my iTunes library. A month later I decided to email iTunes support center and within about 12 hours they sent me a link to re download that "lost" episode I had purchased. The lady was very friendly. So what have you got to lose? Send them an email and see what happens.

  8. well type the number on the back into itunes

  9. give me the pin number lol

  10. Sell the card on eBay.

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