
How do I redout in my home

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I wanna fly so badly & I wanna redout can I do it without a plane maybe with a car?

or if I hang my self to the ceiling after 15 hrs can I redout?




  1. Doubt it dude

    redout is a phenom when the blood is forced, through negative g maneuvers into your brain.  It can cause anurism and has been fatal. Don't go looking for it.  Besides you gotta pull at least 2-3 g's and yer not gonna get that from a car or a rope around your ankles.

  2. Redout is VERY bad, worse in many ways than G-LOC.  It can cause burst blood vessels in the eyes, and potentially aneurysm.  Most guys avoid Negative-G if at all possible.

    Your spare time would be better spent reading up on aviation, getting a job-and getting some flying lessons.

  3. You must be joking. Try and use your mind on something more constructive which will help you achieve your goal of flying.

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