
How do I reduce my greenhouse emissions?

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I personally am a believer in global warming and want to see what kinds of things I can do in my life to reduce greenhouse emissions.

I am only 14 years old, so please give me tips on things that I personally can do.




  1. eat something that reduces your methane output. As well as breathe slower, any inefficiant device that claims it's green also works. Costly but works.

  2. don't hav to do much

    jst reduce any use of such gaget that emits such gases in exess and use it's supplement

  3. global warming isn't real!!!!

    Here are some facts:

    1) If you took every car off every road in the US the temperature would change less than a TENTH OF A DEGREE!

    2) People cause 3.5% of temperature change with .4% coming from cars.

    3) The polar bear population has gone from 5000 to 25000 in 10 years and for some reason, they are still being put on the threatened list!  they can swim!

    4) 5 billion dollars a year is wated by the US government to research "climate change"

    5) no one has proved why the hole in the ozone layer appeared, so the theory that the extreme cold caused it is just as credible as the theory thet cfcs or whatever caused it.

    6) Al Gore shows his audience a slide of CO2 concentrations, and a slide of historical temperatures. But for very good reason he does not combine them in one overlaid slide: Historically, atmospheric CO2, as often as not, increases after warming. This is typical in the campaign of claiming “consensus” to avoid debate (consensus about what being left unspoken or distorted).

    less than 20 years ago they were freking out about the next ice age!!!!

    what more wil it take to convince you? why believe what politicians and liberal "scientists" say when you can just look at the science and prove it wrong!?


  5. It's the old "3Rs" - reduce, reuse, recycle!


    Try to avoid buying things with lots of packaging; complain to toy manufacturers etc if they use too much.

    Take your own bag when shopping; don't take bags from shops, buy vegetables, sweets, fruits, etc, loose.

    Don't buy things you don't need or use just once.

    Turn down offers to be driven somewhere if this is the only reason for the drive if there are reasonable alternatives

    Turn games, TVs, computers, lights, etc off when not in use

    Dry your clothes on a line not in a dryer

    NEVER open the windows if the heat is on (turn the heat down) or running an air conditioner (turn it off)

    Avoid high energy consuming devices - clothes dryers, air conditioners, anything with a heating element

    Get used to a bit of variation in temperature - allow the house to vary a bit (putting a sweater on is better than turning up the heat; opening a window or putting on a fan is better than air con


    Use/wear things until they are beyond use/wear not just because you arwe tired of them

    Try to make environmentally conscious behaviour the new fashion - "fashion" tends to make people throw things out (even buy a new car!) even when there is no need

    Use containers for different things - you should never need to buy freezer bags or tupperware; most households get enough containers from what they buy

    Think of novel uses for old items (e.g. bird scarers from old CDs)


    Not just the old glass, metal, plastics, paper, this also means fixing things so they work again or taking a car, a battery, an old computer to a place that will break it down and dispose of it properly

    Many, many more but keep at it and thanks for caring for your future!

  6. Your few small steps and effective decisions in everyday life would be a big leap in helping us to improve global environment.

    a. Make energy efficient and conservation wise decisions in every sphere of life.

    b. While driving motor vehicle, turn off the engine if waiting is longer. More fuel is wasted when idling than restarting. Be alert in traffic. Try to take alternate routes which have few signals to eliminate idling.

    c. Warm-up the motor vehicle for one minute before moving. Accelerate gently and evenly and use your cruise control to maintain a steady speed.

    d. Use motor vehicle's flow through vents instead of air conditioning (which decreases fuel efficiency by 21%) or by opening window.

    e. Keep car engine tuned. A poorly tuned car wastes 15% more fuel. More fuel, means more pollution and travel fewer miles.

    f. Properly inflate & align tires to save fuel & to reduce wear on tires over time.

    g. Reduce the amount of miles you drive. Fewer distance driven, fewer polluting emissions created. Walk or ride a bike!

    h. Use fuel efficient automobiles. Follow state guidelines on emissions testing & maintain any pollution-control devices.

    i. Use public transportation when available.

    j. Conserve electricity, including turning off lights when not in use.

    k. Participate in recycling programs. Recycling conserves energy and also conserves natural resources.

    For further information please visit


  7. You may use: My Best Recycling Idea

    Besides recycling the plastic containers, you can improve your work or home environments by bringing live potted plants indoors.

    Major items needed:

    One empty plastic gallon container.   Tree Top Apple Juice is preferred, or equal in shape.

    One empty plastic ½ gallon container.  Langers All Pomergranate Juice is preferred or equal.

    Directions:  Lay the plastic gallon container on its side so the front label is facing up.  Place the empty plastic half gallon container on the label and with a sharpie pen outline the bottom on the Tree Top label and with a sharp knife carefully cut the outline.  Insert the half gallon into the hole until it rest on the back label of the gallon container.  Then mark and cut approximately one inch above the cut on the ½ gallon  to complete your planter container.  Remove and drill several ¼ inch holes on the bottom of the ½ gallon cut container for drainage.

    Fill the cut ½ gallon planter with one inch of gravel before putting in good potting mix soil and live growing plant.  If you make two or more you can pour the water back and forth and not waste the water with the nutrients.

    Go to NASA’s Clean Air Plant Study for the top ten plants that cleans the indoor air better than the rest.

  8. Hold your breath.

    Unstoppable Soalr Cycles

    Global Warming Facts:

    The Truth About Climate Change:

    Scientists Ignored:

    An Inconvenient Truth or Convenient Fiction? Part II:

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