
How do I refresh MyYahoo more quickly than daily?

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How do I refresh MyYahoo more quickly than daily?




  1. If you've left your browser open to My Yahoo! and haven't touched it, the news and stock quotes may not be the latest available. Here are some ways you can update this information:

    a. Click the "Reload/Refresh" button in your browser.


    b. Set My Yahoo! to automatically refresh your page:

    At the top of your My Yahoo! page, click the Select Page drop-down menu, select Add/Delete Page.

    Scroll down to the Options section, locate the Refresh Rate menu.

    Select the rate at which you want your content to update.

    Next time you leave your browser open to My Yahoo!, you'll see that it updates the page automatically.

    You may also want to clear your browser's cache file. Please consult your browser help section for more information on how this is done.


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