
How do I register a gun in texas when you buy from a private owner.

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I bought a gun several years ago and have never registered it. I still have the reciept from the individual I bought it from, but when I bought it the Brady did not exist. so it was never registered.




  1. You do not need to register a gun in Texas.  You have nothing further to do.  Relax and enjoy your gun.

  2. Guy you do not have to register the weapon in Texas. If you buy from an individual at a gunshow or from a classified ad the seller can ask for your name, address, and drivers license number for his records if it was registered to that owner. If you buy from a dealer or pawn shop you have to fill out the federal form and they will call in for a clearance to sell. If you have your concealed handgun license you can do a walk in and carry out from any dealer in Texas. If you have any questions about selling or buying you can contact one of the larger gunshops who sell at the area gunshows or call the DPS office in Austin.  

  3. There is at least one state Michigan, that does require registration, or at least its hidden behind the guise of being a "safety inspection"  but it is registration, they record the serial number, color/finish, barrel length, umber of rounds it holds, the caliber and copy your finger prints, but this is going to be removed from the laws in Michigan very soon, it is going to be history.  It was an invasive quasi registration when some do gooder thought this hair brained scheme and has become a monster, as the state requires the counties, cities, townships to record and file away this information but the state does not want to pay these municipalities for their time and efforts.  There may be one or two other states that use this antiquated form of violating your constitutional rights, though they are very few in number!

  4. You aren't supposed to register your guns. Why would anyone want to register a gun in the first place?

  5. Welcome to Texas.

    You have what we call a clean gun.

    There is no registration of firearms in Texas.

    The only paperwork you need on it is the receipt. This shows who you bought it from and when.

    There is no paper trail back to you.

    The Brady bunch papers are nothing more than a criminal background check to make sure you are not wanted, not crazy, or other wise precluded from owning a firearm.

  6. There is no requirement to register a gun in TX.

    Private sales in TX do not require a brady check or NICS.

    Keep the receipt, or if your concerned you can file it with the county, but in TX we are not concerned about lawfully acquired guns.


    Houston, TX

  7. You are perfectly legal.

    No registration of any kind in Texas, and Brady only comes into play when you buy a gun from a licensed dealer.

    You have nothing to do and nothing to worry about.  

  8. Texas does not require gun registration, Brady Act or not. I don't know of any State of the Union that does require gun registration.  'Gun registration' may very well just be a Hollywood or anit-gunner buzz phrase.


  9. There is no registration in Texas and Brady is not a registration scheme

    It is simply a background check if you buy from an FFL

    Enjoy your off the books legal firearm

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