
How do I register to become a Native American??

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I am wailaki indian and I cannot find out how to register. My whole family is registered but I dont talk to them so I know I can register.




  1. Honestly, not to sound cynical, but why bother if you don't talk to your family and don't want to. Far as I can tell for many enrolling is about reconnecting (unless they just hope for "benefits"), and if you don't want to reconnect with your background *including* the most closely related people...

  2. Form a line and make a smokescreen in triplicate please.

  3. Round Valley Indian Tribe


    You have to be a certian percentage of direct blood line of the specific tribe, or in some cases be a decendant of someone listed on their base rolls (census rolls)

    Every tribe has it's own membership requirements.

    Indian Ancestry - Enrollment in a Federally Recognized Tribe


    GUIDELINES - Certificate of Degree of Indian Blood (CDIB)

    A CDIB is an official document that certifies an individual possesses a specific degree of Indian blood of a federally recognized Indian tribe.

    You are eligible to receive a CDIB if your name or the name of your lineal ancestor appears as an Indian by blood on a base roll of a federally recognized Indian tribe.

    Lineal ancestor means a direct ancestor, such as a parent, grandparent or great - grandparent.

    Your degree of Indian blood is computed from the Indian blood degree of your lineal ancestors. Lineal ancestry and blood degree are based on birth parentage.

    Indian blood means… Indian or Alaska Native blood of a Federally recognized Indian tribe or… any person not a member of one of the LISTED or eligible to be LISTED TRIBES who possesses at least ONE-HALF degree of Indian blood.

    Department of the Interior - Bureau of Indian Affairs

    Proposed rule: Certificate of Degree of Indian or Alaska Native Blood


    Wailaki Language (Sinkyone, Lassik, Nongatl, Eel River Athabaskan)


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