
How do I register to see Obama at the NAACP conference?

by Guest34202  |  earlier

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I know that the NAACP conference is going to be in Cincinnati next week and I know Obama is going to be speaking on Monday at 8:00. Now, I know there are (obviously) going to be a lot of people wanting to go to that. I know that one day's registration is 30 dollars, but is there anything else I need to do to go, or just register for Monday? And how do I do that, anyway? Any advice would be helpful, I looked on the naacp website and couldn't really find anything beyond registration prices, and I emailed them but haven't heard back. Thanks!




  1. Hmmm. If you're in Cincinnati I'd recommend going to the conference in person.  I bet they're completely book though.

  2. Step one, raise $50,000 for the cause.

    That should do it.

  3. Basically what you are asking is how do I register to see an ignorant man complain and say he will create change (NOT FOR THE BETTER) and will tax the rich which the majority of the rich worked really hard to build. If someone takes a risk to start a company they should have a substantial reward.


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