
How do I reinstall windows XP while saving my old partitions, keeping all programs fully functional?

by  |  earlier

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I've reinstalled windows XP Pro but opted to keep both my C and D partitions intact, thinking windows would only reinstall its system files etc. while keeping the rest of my system as it was. Although it did save my partitions, none of my programs are working. There's nothing in my start folder, nothing in 'All Programs' etc. It's a laptop, and needs a lot of drivers. I tried reinstalling the drivers but windows told me they already exist. Why then is nothing working as it should? How do I resurrect everything to prior working order? Thank you!




  1. you cant it you have to get rid of ever thing  

  2. when it says drivers already exist tell it to overwrite old files then they should work fine but no there is no way to go back run ccleaner and it should clean your pc up just google ccleaner

  3. Sounds like when XP did the reinstall, it set up a different profile for your log in.  That new profile will not have the icons, start menu, etc of the old profile.  Just a "generic" one.  Reinstalling the drivers will not do anything, as they are not the problem. The problem is that you are missing (or using the wrong) profile.

    The good news is that the old profile is probably still on the computer.

    Using "My Computer", open the Hard Drive (C:) and look for a folder called "Documents and Settings".  It should have a sub-folder named for each user who has logged into the computer. Hopefully there will be a folder that, if opened, will have folders with your desktop, start menu, documents, favorites, etc.

    You can either copy those things to your new profile, or you can use the "Shut Down", select "Log Off", and then log back in using the old profile (the user name will be the same as the directory that holds all the old info).

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