
How do I reintroduce 2 cats we adopted out at 8 weeks, who are coming back to us, to their parents & siblings?

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I have an unusual situation...

We have a multi-cat household. We have a male and female cat (both are now fixed) who had kittens. Two of the kittens we were able to adopt out at eight weeks. The other two we ended up keeping because we couldn't find them homes. (Everyone is fixed now.)

The person who adopted the cats is no longer able to care for them and is bringing them back to us after 1 year. Will are other cats remember them?

What can we do to re-introduce them to each other?




  1. They probably won't remember them. Introduce them slowly by separating the new cats in their own room for a week or so. This way they can smell each other through the door. Rub socks or cloths over the cats scent glands (around mouth) and put them in the other cats rooms so they get used to each other. Switch the cats between rooms, allowing them to explore the rooms the other cats stay in while they aren't around and smell them more. If you have a screen door that would be best to seperate them lastly as they can then see and smell eachother while feeling safe. If not you can try putting the new ones in a carrier where they can feel safe and let the other cats in. Just go slow, and once you have them mixing together remember not to force them up close to each other, and the more good experiences they have near each other (eating treats, catnip etc) the more they will be likely to get along. It is also recommended you have a litter box for each cat plus one, so they all feel safe while they go and don't begin urinating everywhere from stress. Be patient and it will all work out.

  2. just watch them the first time u put them toghether and eventually they will get to know each other and hopefully they will get along but if they dont put one in there own private bedroom with food ,water, and a litter box no probelem

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