
How do I relingishment my rights to my sister?

by Guest65481  |  earlier

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I became pregnant from someone who is not a us citizen and neither am I. I gave the baby to my sister who had just miscarried. I want to relinguish my parental rights over to her and the father is not on the birth certificate and has gone back to mexico and cant be found is there anything special I need to do to have my sister become the legal parent of this minor child who is now 3 weeks old?




  1. look up the local court house info....file paperwork that gives Ur sister custody & legal guardianship & that there is no way 2 locate the father...blah blah.....then it is done...if she wants 2 adopt the baby 4ever & change the mother on the birth certificate 2 her name ...she can file more paper work in a year or so...

  2. There is no way to avoid legal fees and attorney fees if you want it to be done properly and in order to avoid problems down the road.  Be sure to get a reputable attorney who knows what he's doing.  A child's life can be ruined by custody issues being raised later on because adoption laws were not properly followed.

  3. You can name you sister as your babies legal guarden with much less fan fare then a full on adoption proceeding.  You should consult an attorney in either way, but beware, they wil want to preform an adoption as they make more money that way.

    The added benefit of LG is that your child's original birth certificate will remain true and not sealed up like some dirty little secret.

  4. Talk to CPS they can help you my younger sister gave her baby to my older sister and they didn't have to go through a layer they did every thing them selfs It was an amazing experience Child and family services will be able to give you advice and help you get the proses started.

    Good luck and I think that you are giving your sister an amazing gift.

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