
How do I relocate my dog to South Africa?

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I am planning to relocate to the Kwazulu-Natal region of South Africa for six months. I have a 7 lbs dog, really my baby, that I want to bring along with me. How do I do this?




  1. call us immigration or something i think...

  2. talk to who ever is flying you over there

  3. i fink u av 2 send him in a dog cage in a bout they def wont fly him there x*x

  4. send him on a ship

  5. I'm not sure where you live or how far this trip is, but if it is by plane you can always check with the airline before hand to see if you can put your dog in a pet carrier and have him flown with you. If it's by car then you can simply let him ride with you. :)

    Good luck.

  6. Board it on the plane. Some airlines let you take them with you if it is a small dog. Just have to see what airlines do so.

  7. idk

  8. As long as you aren't crossing quarantine boundaries, just in a pet carrier on the same plane you travel on is likely to be the cheapest.  Accompanied pets don't usually cost much.

    Depending on the dog's nature, avoid doping the dog for the trip.  My dogs would travel undoped but my mother had to dope hers because they tended to "defend" everything and arrive exhausted and potentially dehydrated.

    If you have to cross quarantine boundaries, check how long quarantine lasts because it may be fairer to the dog to find someone for it to stay with while you are gone.  Much though we would have loved to bring our dog when we emigrated, we gave her to family who were staying behind rather than put her through umpteen needles and 6 months quarantine, as was the requirement at the time.

  9. South Africa may require the dog to be quarantined upon arrival. It will also be required to have vaccination certificates against the major diseases, particularly rabies.

  10. ......put it on the plane, they do this all the time.

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