
How do I remain calm when faced with a startling situation?

by  |  earlier

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I was doing some security at an event and there were rumors of a fight and possible shooting. I was near a carnival event where it made a distinctive "pop". This scared the h**l out of me and I dove for the deck. Later I felt like a total idiot. How do I remain calm and able to think clearly when something like that happens? Are there any training techniques to help calm me down and not make me so jumpy?




  1. Nope, you either have it or you don't.

  2. Try systematic desensitization.  The idea behind this approach is to juxtapose stressful, anxiety provoking thoughts  with relaxing thoughts.  For example, try pretending you had just heard a gun shot at the carnival, and then revert to a mental image of something soothing, like the beach.  When you do this, your mind unconsciously pairs the relaxing scene with the frightening scene, and you become conditioned to react more calmly in the aforementioned stressful situation.

  3. well what i do before i go into an exam and start answering questions etc etc (lol i get nervous/excited before an exams geeky i know lol) but i take 3 deep breaths (the whole in through ur nose out from your mouth stuff) and yea that seems to help (well i hope i havnt got mi results back yet lol) hope it helps!!

    and wow scary! no wonder why your scared!! shootings! eecckk!!

  4. Joo Janta 200 Super-Chromatic Peril Sensitive Sunglasses have been specially designed to help people develop a relaxed attitude to danger..........just not too sure on where to buy them ......try Zaphod Beeblebrox Enterprises.


  5. Practice breathing deeply when you are startled. This will allow oxygen into your brain and calm you down. If that does not work, think over the situation and think realistically. If there was a shooting then you would be no where near it. Other security guards would have radioed you if there was actual shooting. Do not jump to conclusions. Try and stay calm and just assess every situation.

  6. how bout trying to be no feelings at all

  7. First, don't feel like an idiot.  People may think that you are made of steel, just because you are in uniform.  However, we're all human.  It's OK to be scared.  Just don't stay scared.  Remember that you are the one that everyone depends on to settle a situation, no matter how chaotic the situation is.  Donut jokes will persist from morons who have no idea what you go through, until the s*** hits the fan.  Then, they all turn to you.  Remain professional and stay calm.  Three things will help you for future events of this magnitude: training, training and training.  I hate to be so blunt, but, unfortunately, experience via training is the only way to deal with situations such as the one you have described.  Good luck to you!

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