
How do I remember the parts of a boat?

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I want to take a boating test for a PWC on the Boat U.S. site. But I can never remember what sides were wat. Like port and starboard. I know Bow is front and stern is back. But there are also some that aren't on regular boats. Like "transom" and "beam". First of all, what do these mean. And second, how do I remember. Is there a poem or a neumatic thingemajig or watever. I need a way to remember. And wat side the colored lights are on. I know some boats have a navigation light on the front and theres a required one on in the middle of the boat thats like white. How do I remember?!?!?!?




  1. as for port and starboard:  "port" is a shorter word, so is "left" (side of boat)  and "red" is shorter, is left side's light.

    "Starboard" is longer, so is "right." so is "green" light.

    Aircraft lights are probably copied from this pattern.

    A transom is a divider, not just on boats.  And a beam also is used to build structures that stay on land: it's a re-inforcing big strip of wood.

    Best way is to look at a labeled diagram of a boat, and picture yourself using or touching each part or talking about each one.  Even better is to Get Into A Boat.

    Might also help to read some sea-going fiction.  When there's a big storm, a ship can go on its "beam ends."

    1. Naut.the ends of the transverse deck beams of a vessel.

    2. on her beam-ends, Naut.heeled so far on one side that the deck is practically vertical: The schooner was blown over on her beam-ends.

    3. on one's or the beam-ends, desperate straits, esp. financial straits. Also,on the beam's ends.

    (hint: transverse means "going across")

    Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House

    When I looked up PWC, this seemed like a useful site:

    Best wishes

  2. For Port and Starboard, hold up two fists, turn them towards each other. Which one makes a P for Port?

    Transom: the stern of the boat which holds the outboard motor, or an outboard rudder.

    Beam: width of the boat.

    Like anything else it is all memorization, once you have it memorized and use it on a regular basis, it will become second nature.

    Now I am off to the galley for some grog, and then hit the head before going to my berth.

  3. all i know abt boating comes from the movie jaws

    because jaws pulls the "cleats"

    "he'll rip the transom off!"

    i remember it all from the movie heheheh

  4. Port side red wine left 4 letters>Transoms & stern  are on all boats Outboard mount there>

    Beam is how wide it is from side to side> Get Chapmans rule of seaman ship>

  5. Draw a picture of a boat and mark these parts on the drawing and memorize them. Look at the lights on a boat and see where they are. Port or Starboard? White stern. Transom is the rear , like where an out board will be. Beam is the width of the craft. Green starboard, red ..port...Port being left, and starboard being right.   Right?? Happy sailing mate!!!

  6. I have been sailing for about 20 years and if you think a PWC has lots of parts/names, you should try sailing sometime.

    Anyway, light help - port - red (think of port wine which is red). Then that mean green is starboard ( A rock star is lives in the "Lime-Light).  Get it, a "Star" - "Green" (Lime-light).

    The stern light (White) and a "Steaming Light" or "Under power" light is forward.  A white light shining forward means you are a powered craft.  A sailboat only shows red - green and a white light from the rear.

    Transom - Rear of boat.  Think trailer - which would be behind your car.

    Beam - The widest part of boat.  Think of a person with a wide butt.  Butt = Beam.

    Go to this site for all your questions:

    Be nice to us sailing people.

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