
How do I remember what I studied?

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I usually study the week before a test but the day that we have to take the test my mind goes blank! I don't remember anything that I studied!




  1. The two study tips I use most are:

    1) index cards: write down a term or a question on one side of the card and the answer on the other side.  Keep them with you and go through them whenever you're sitting around.

    2) Summary: write up a short (1-2 page) summary of all the most important stuff to read through 15 minutes before the test.

    3) Acronyms: make up acronyms for lists.  For instance HOMES for the Great Lakes (Huron Ontario Michigan Erie Superior) I generally remember the acronyms that are crude.

    4) Take any practice tests!

  2. Buy some Ginko Biloba. That'll help.

  3. There were some good suggestions here.  I'd like to add that it is very important to get a good night's sleep before your test.

    Hope that all of these suggestions help you.

  4. Here are some things I do, write out what you studied even if it means writing something over and or read it outloud..*do not complete the whole thing in one sitting do a chapter  (or half of one) or whatever it is then leave it for 15min then do another*take an hour or as much time as necessary each day to review what you it steady pace do not rush through it

  5. ok there is differrent ways of studying.. this is one of the ways my psychology teacher said to do

    lets say you have 4 pages to read...

    read 1st page.. take a break. when you come back from the break, read the 1st page again and read the 2nd page, then take a break.. when you come back from the break read the 2nd page and the 3rd page... get the pattern.. he said this is more efficient than just reading the whole chapter, finishing it and then reading it again....

    notice. when you take a break, dont do anything distractive

    dont watch tv or play games right after studying.. cuz when you study it stays in your short memory, going to watch tv or play games or smth else erases part of that short memory. maybe thats why you forget whatever you studied..

    what i do i go over the chapter at least 2 times, and then i go over it the night before the test, and i go right to sleep, when you wake up you can study too, but i dont like studying right before the test, and since you slept after you studied part of what you learned went into your long-term memory.. and since this wasnt the first time you read it you are pretty much ok, and i dont think u'll forget

    good luck:)

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