
How do I remove Dr. Watson Postmortem DeBugger from my system?

by  |  earlier

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It keeps coming up with errors and regularly crashes Internet Explorer, Picture editing software and when I copy and paste things. Is there an uninstall program for it? Thanks in advance!




  1. The most common reason for this is registry errors and ivalid entries. Run a registry scan on your pc, it is free in most of the registry cleaners programs.

  2. Disable IE7and use Firefox from the Google pack download.

  3. You can't!  The problem lies with your computer's configuration and how it processes internet explorer.  It can occur from downloading music, visiting websites, p**n, downloading things, adding new programs and installations, etc.  Once your PC gets messed up really bad like what your describing, it can be very hard to fix.  My old computer had  similar problem and it seemed to have something to do with all my music downloading.  Even the folders my music is in when I would open them sometimes gave that same message.  It's how the configuration gets changed.  You can try giving your PC a tuneup.  Defrag your hard drive, run a good spyware and antivirus program and run it (removing all the junk).  You can also clear out all the internet history, remove unused programs, clear out the cookies, temporary internet files, etc.  But honestly, that is a hard problem to fix.  It it were me, I would save all my important data, music, etc and reinstall windows.  Than be careful what websites you visit, what programs you download, and use a good antivirus and antispyware program (like Avast or AVG Free).  Also install a good firewall and Peer Guardian 2 and keep it all updated and running.  This will protect your computer and give you good security.

    Fixing registry errors can even be a harder deal.  Those registry programs often do more harm than good and sometimes make your computer unable to even start again.

  4. Dr Watson is not crashing your programs! - Dr Watson is giving information about ~why~ your programs crashed. Even if you disable Dr Watson your programs will still crash!


  5. You can manually remove Dr. Watson from the registry as long as you know what you are doing.

  6. There's something wrong with your IE.Dr. Watson debugger is a pretty nifty tool to log crashes.I suggest instead of removing it,start using Firefox

  7. no but it can be disabled until you need it or learn more how to use services find it right click ,properties then choose from arrow down to disable

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