
How do I remove a white alcohol stain from my wooden table?

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My husband spilled everclear onto my brand new wooden table. It is a lighter color wood. How can I bring back the color in the white spots?




  1. I don't think it's a stain. It may have stripped the wood stain. Try a Mr. Clean Magic seems to work on almost anything that is a stain.

  2. The alcohol ate the finish off.  Sand the old off, restain and seal.

  3. It should be easy to do if you know what type of finish was used on it, try a litlle lemon oil first, it might polish out. Lighter wood is easier to repair that darker stained woods. If the lemon oil doesnt work try some tongue oil polish and see if it penetrates it. If the table is a lacquer finish, laquer is also easy to repair with some spray lacquer. Do not use varnish. If all else fails refinsh it or sand it with some fine sandpaper and spray clear lacquer over it.  If none of these steps work, call a professional furniture refinisher to solve your problem.

  4. Ohhh Everclear...divorce that man!

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