
How do I remove mothball odors from cotton blankets?

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How do I remove mothball odors from cotton blankets?




  1. Just air them for 24 hours away from the moth balls should do the trick. If it is used for baby blankets though, air for longer, as moth ball odour can be toxic to babies.  

  2. WHY are you storing cotton blankets with mothballs?

    Moths do not eat cotton, they eat wool.  If you are trying to keep silverfish away from your linens, cedar blocks will do the same thing, without the toxicity of paradycloro-benzine. (moth balls)

    I would wash the blankets first, to remove all traces of this toxicity.

    I feel an asthma attack coming on, just thinking about the smell of moth balls.

  3. Hang them outside for the day.  If they are cotton, they should be able to be washed.  White vinegar and baking soda (1 cup vinegar, 1/4 baking soda) in the water will help.  

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