
How do I remove my chilli from the plant?

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Hi Everyone

I have a chilli plant, which we think is an Anaheim. It has so far produced only one chilli and I'd like to know the best way of removing it, in order to promote further chillies.

It has other flowers, but they drop off and don't produce any chillies - is this because the first fruit is still attached?

Any help or advice will be gratefully received!

Many thanks




  1. You should get other fruits(chillies) even though the first chili is still on the plant.  The flowers dropping off before fruiting could be down to irregular  watering, or not warm enough.

  2. For anyone whose pepper plants drop their flowers and do not set fruit: the flowers have not been pollinated! An insect must be present to pollinate the flowers, so if you're growing peppers (or tomatoes, for that matter) inside you must hand-pollinate your plants.

    Unfortunately, even outdoors it is becoming harder to get certain plants to set fruit. The massive die-off of the native honeybee has had something to do with this. Pesticides are more than likely to blame, so use these in your own gardens only as a last resort...the health of our eco-system and agricultural industry hangs in the balance.  

  3. I assume you are in the UK - I have chilli plants in my greenhouse and they are the same - flowers but no fruit. Chillis are normally easy to grow and I have had success with them before but not this year. I think it has just been too cold and dark.

    Snip off the existing chilli with scissors and make sure the plant is watered regularly and is in full sun ( if we get any !) ... otherwise try again next year

  4. Use a pair of scissors to snip the stem of the chili rather than pulling or breaking it off.  This will eliminate possible damage to the plant.  Peppers are one plant that will slow down or stop production if they are laden with ripe fruit, but one chili won't cause that and even if it did, the plant wouldn't start more blossoms.   Your plant doesn't sound like it is sick but it may be stressed.  Excessive or inadequate water, prolonged heat, cold, or extreme differences between night and day temps can all cause blossom drop.  

  5. If you are in the UK, USA, Australia . . . whatever, you just need a couple of tips to succeed.

    I have been growing chilis for over 40 years, and always get "tons and tons" from several plants.

    If your one chili is large enough, go ahead and remove it.  Cut or break the stem, so that the part on the plant side can heal (and eventually drop off).

    A sick plant can not even support one fruit . . .

    I do not think that is your problem, though.

    If the flowers keep dropping off the problem us usually in the soil.  Not that the soil is bad, but one of the most common "faults" is that people water them TOO MUCH.

    My "success", I believe, is based on the fact that I water just enough to keep the soil "Slightly Moist", and no more.  Just a little more, if you have a lot of fruit already on the plant.

    AND, I spray with rain water (or distilled - from the fridge) every day, IN THE EVENING.  And, POOF!  Tons of flowers.

    Wet soil leads to nematodes, which make the plant sick.

    Some points to remember:

    1. Chilis are tropical plants (and sub T) and love air moisture (the spray bottle)

    2. Chilis do not like wet soil

    3. It is better to have the soil slightly dry, than wet!

    4. Water "just a little more" if you have a LOT of fruit.


    6. Never "pull the fruit".

    7. Trim the plant (in toward the stem), so that it "flowers on the crown".

    8. It may be safe to say that you can not give Chilis too much sun.

    9. AND Chilis DO NOT LIKE COLD NIGHTS.  Cool is OK.

    Well, there is more, but I think you will get a very nice crop, if you just stick to the above points.

    Good Luck!


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