
How do I remove my dad's name from my birth certificate?

by  |  earlier

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I was an illegitimate child and have never met or known my real father. when i was three my mum met and married another man, and added his name onto my birth cert, as a late entry of natural parentage, instead of adoption. I don't know if this was because it was cheaper or because they were planning to never tell me the truth. Anyway, I feel like my birth cert and mt identity is a lie, which it is, and want his name removed from my cert. Does anyone know a cheap way to go about this?




  1. You CAN'T remove anyone's name from your birth certificate. It's a historical document that represents the truth at the moment you were born. Your natural father was NOT your dad. The man who was taking responsibility for you was.

    That said, your birth certificate is NOT your identity anyway. It just represents what was happening at the time of your birth. Your identity is you, today. It is your drivers license and social security card, and more importantly, it is who you are as a person. Time to let the past go and move on with your life.

    Good luck!

  2. I don't blame you.  You should stick to your real father.  Don't let the comments by others on here make you defensive - best just to ignore them than argue/explain back to them.

  3. I do understand this - but from the other side as it were.  I had my baby after my divorce was finalised and the law society wouldn't accept her as being legitimate.  It took a long fight with no help from 'Daddy'  before I could finish it.

    Your birth certificate cannot be altered as it is a fact of your birth.  But, saying that I did have my youngest son's birth certificate altered because my new hubby had put something wrong on there.  The solicitor said why bother as it's not the name but I wanted it right.  But it could only be done by the person who had registered the birth.

    You can however change your name by deed poll if you want.

  4. You can't as it is a legal document, change you name by deed-pole if it means that much to you.

  5. You are lucky girl, though you are illegitimate child still there is one person that takes the responsibility of your real father. Are you not grateful with that? You should girl, Just be happy and contented with who you are right now. It's the heart that counts that is the real identity of the person. Gone be by gone. Just move on and be yourself.

  6. I don't think that you can but try ringing the issuing office to see what they say about it.

    If the cannot remove it then you have to tell yourself that it is just a name on a piece of paper that you can file away somewhere.

    I do not know the full story as you say but I do know that in life in general things can only make you feel as bad as you let them.

    Will you really feel better and will life in general be better just because the name is gone?

    If you feel so strongly then get a passport which can be used as ID then burn your birth certificate.

  7. im afraid you cant remove it hun its against the law

  8. Use Tippex!

  9. I don't think it's possible to do what you're asking. Call your County Courthouse Records Department and ask them. But I believe that, even in when legal parentage is changed, they don't change the birth certificate. You might be stuck with it, hun.

    My advice is, stop investing so much time and energy worrying about this. It's just a piece of paper, it says nothing about who you are. Try to let it go and move on.

  10. there isn't going to be a way to get his name removed.  that notwithstanding...the birth certificate is a piece of paper.  what makes someone a father is much more than that.  i wouldn't be so dramatic about this.

  11. It's only a piece of paper, it should not cost anything i think.

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