
How do I remove my son's f***s odor from my rug?

by Guest67106  |  earlier

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When we bought the rug, the guy told us never to use any cleaner on it, just water to lift up stains. That's all well and good, but the stink is ridiculous. I've used watered-down Palmolive, thinking that would be relatively gentle, and lots of Febreeze (so now the rug reeks of Febreeze-scented p**p). Help!




  1. I'd use of of those steam vacuums... because you got bacteria and poo embedded deep down its gonna have to be killed and also disolved and removed.

  2. This may work, it's helped us out in the past

  3. l**k IT OFF!

    but seriously why would you want to get rid of it? there's nothing better than the smell of febreeze-scented p**p.

  4. There is a possibility that the scent went through the rug to the pad under it, or the floor under it.

    But what I use on three dogs and one cat.

    Have used on three grandsons is , either Arm and Hammer or Woolite Pet Stain and Odor remover.

      With a scrub brush going in little circular motions on the affected area.

       Bring a small pail  of water just to keep the scrub brush damp and rinsed and spray and scrub away!

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