
How do I remove old plumbers putty from between 2 pipe joints that are stuck together.?

by  |  earlier

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the joints are 40 years old, and on a portable air tank. In order to use the tank I have to be able to break the putty and remove the pipes. I've used a pipe wrench and it won't break free, it won't disassemble. I need to soften the putty so the wrenches will work. Is there a solvent that will work?




  1. Heat  gun..........................

  2. You need to use heat. One of those propane torches that go onto the bottles that hold about 1/2 pint.

    If there are connections close to it you don,t want to damage wrap them in a wet cotton cloth. that will stop too much heat getting to them. Take the connection off while still hot.

  3. ...or copper torch

  4. The solvent is Liquid Wrench.  It should soften the putty  sufficiently to break the joint without damage to the tank.

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