
How do I remove "Why do you want to join?" after a person clicks JOIN THIS GROUP. Want to say something else.

by  |  earlier

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My group is private. People have to give me specific info to join. That is clearly written on the home page but when they click "JOIN THIS GROUP", the question "Why do you want to join?" appears and folks just answer that question instead of sending me the info I need. IT'S VERY ANNOYING, as I then have to email most of them to get that info. I want to either delete the question entirely or change it to "SEND ME ALL THE INFO!" I can't figure out how to do that. HELP!




  1. you have a restricted group- you cant change that message, it's default. even when groups have files go out to pending members, many don't fill them out either. but, your other choice is that file topending members. I belong to one group that requires a e-mail reply to questions asked and most reply.

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