
How do I remove very stuck-on, very OLD, vinyl tile?

by  |  earlier

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Does anyone know of a quick way to remove old vinyl tile and/or linoleum from a concrete floor? This stuff seems to have been glued on with the glue of glues! Not even a floor chipper machine, nor Goof-Off has been successful and work is very slow-going with just a hand chisel.





  1. Go to a home improvement place & buy one of these...

    This is what I used for mine... its still very hard & time consuming work.

  2. Try a small handheld propane torch to soften the glue.

  3. I use a ice scrapper and then mineral spirts to get up the black glue.

  4. try to soften the tile with a heat gun then scrap them off

  5. well either a heat gun which will give of fumes

    and could cause ill health

    or boiling water to soften

    the choice is yours the best thing i learned to use in my youth was elbow grease

    it works wonders

  6. Did you try any solvents that would loosen the glue and if you have already get the scraper sharpen as that might cut into the glue better

  7. Hot air stripper.  But be careful, if they are that old there is a risk they contain asbestos, so wear suitable protection to be on the safe side. The other option f its that well laid is to cover with a self-levelling epoxy type screed. Much safer and far less effort.

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