
How do I rent an apartment in France?

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Sping of next year I am planning on studying in France again for the semester in Nice. I have found many websites that have vacation rentals that are about $3000 a month. How do or can I just rent a normal apartment in the city, doesnt have to be anything fancy. I don't want to go over $1200 a month. I went to yahoo France and looked under the immoblier section, but im not sure if that is for purchasing an apartment or renting one. I found several for $1000 or under per month, just not sure if thats just to rent. Please help :)




  1. has lots of apartments with pictures all over Paris in your price range.

  2. I'm French, but unfortunately I don't know Nice very well.

    Nice is a beautiful town and so not cheap, but I think $3000 is too expensive, unless it's a wonderful apartment.

    I think it's possible to find something no too bad at your price, but maybe small.

    I confirm it's a good idea to see the website :

    (particulier à particulier), because it puts directly landlords and tenants in contact, without paying agencies fees.

    The problem is to see the flat before renting it !

    It's better not to send money in advance unless it's an official company.

    Maybe I could suggest you to come one week before and stay in a hotel in order to see what you are going to rent.

    To help you I can give you some useful words in French :

    To rent = Louer

    To purchase = acheter

    A tenant = un locataire

    A landlord = un propriétaire

    When you see "2 pièces", it means there are one bedroom and one living room.

    If you want you can send me the offers you have seen and I can try to translate them for you, if you don't understand some abbreviations.

    You can also ask a question on the French branch of YahooQ/A. Maybe there are some people from Nice who can help you better than me.

  3. Get hold of a copy of the local paper or the weekly national magazine "Particulier à Particulier" (purchases and rentals between private individuals).  I think they still have a monthly edition for that region called PACA.  They are also online.  And why not seek advice from the college at which you will be studying?  Also the local syndicat and tourist board.

    Afterthought - I have a friend in Nice right now, staying in her apartment in rue de France.  Central and large, outside your budget.  email me on if you want local papers etc.  She's back in UK this Friday afternoon.

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