
How do I repair one shingle that came off my roof?

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I live in Florida where the Hurricane just came through. Only one shingle was blown off but I am unsure of how to fix it. Do I just simply replace the shinge where it was and put and nail it down? Or would it be better to epoxy the shingle to the roof and not nail it down?




  1. that depends on the condition of the shingle. if there is enough to slide it back up under the shingle above it you can nail it where its covered by the above shingle. slide it in place lifting the above shingle and nail it where its covered. if it isnt long enough to go back under the abve shinge silicone it down and put one nail or two to hold it until the silicone drys. make sure to silicone the broken joint, under the shingle and the nails and adjointing shingles

  2. you want to nail it down again. this may involve gently lifting the bottoms of the two shingle above it and using a small pry bar to remove the old nails. line the loose shingle up in it's spot and renail it down. carefully step it down flat and you are done. good luck!

  3. I have been roofing on the gulf coast for a while (15 years) and the shingles get stuck to one another because of the extreme heat if i have a love/hate relationship with repairs yes, they are good money but sometimes you get the ones that have you tearing off 5 shingles to replace one one tab if that is the case for you just find a cut off point where you go no further and cut the shingle horizontal at the bottom of the old one . now you got to get the nails out of the shingle  with a flatbar (bought at all hardware stores) pull the nails out of the upper parts and tollaly denail the surface (some times the shingles stick and u pull way more up then needed to avoid this from happening in extreme do the repair in the morning shingles are much more plyable when cool) then start at your lowest point and nail the shingle above the slot no more then 2 inches from each side of slot (in florida you have to 6 nail shingles which means 1 nail on each side of slot or with dimentia just naid six in but make sure that the nail is not exposed to water  a way to tell if a nail is exposed is if you can see it it shouldnt be hope i helped and good luck with 2008 hurricanesl

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