
How do I repair the bottom of my wakeboard?

by  |  earlier

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On the bottom of my wakeboard in a few spots my finish is coming off. Is this something to worry about or do I need to fix it? If so how do I fix it?




  1. It is nothing to worry about, this won't affect you. If it starts to crack you could fix it but it is more than likely not worth it because it would be cheaper to buy a new one.

  2. don't worry about it. wake boards always scratch and loose the finish. it doesn't really make a difference. but if it starts to crack or pieces break off get a new board!


    wow usn809 did you really need to comment on this question, i could see if you had a different op pinion, but i said like the exact same thing as you did before

    what ever thou i don't really care. piece man

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