
How do I repair the wood on my bed frame that my dog chewed?

by  |  earlier

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My lovely dog decided to chew on the botton part of my bed post when I was in the shower one morning. She didn't take out chunks but did chew off the finish and some actual wood on the top and bottom of a corner that sticks out. This bed is practically brand new, and not paid off, so I want to make sure I repair it the best I can. I have a few ideas but not sure what are the best. I know I"ll have to sand it down to make smooth, but should I use some sort of wood putty after to fill in the grooves I can't reach as I'm not doing to sand down so far that I'm taking the good finish off around it. What's an easy way then to stain the small area - bonified scratch remover or actual stain. I've heard of stain pens as well - anyone used? Are they good and where do you find? I'm normally pretty handy but repairing wood is a new one for me. Thank you!!




  1. If the bed is stained  go to home depot or a hardware store and see if you can match the color of you bed to a wood putty that is prestained and fill in the holes and sand smooth with 230 sand paper and then polyurethane let dry and you should be good.

  2. get rid of the dog

    lets hope the wood will forgive you

    and over time heal

  3. The easy way to repair without too much work would be to remove the loose pieces and fill with wood putty, try to make as smooth as possible when applying.  Try to avoid sanding because you will have to refinish the sanded areas and trying to match color and finish will be a nightmare.  Get one of those touch-up markers and dab on in small area to test, if you are happy with it do the rest of the damaged areas.  If the furniture has a clear coat try to get a touch-up bottle of polyurethane to apply.  Good luck.

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