
How do I replace a hard drive? Is there any websites that has walk throughs to replace laptop

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Is there any websites that has walk throughs to replace laptop hard drives?




  1. What model laptop? Just gooogle "*laptop model* replace hard drive"  Everything is out there on the net

  2. Yeah -

  3. You didn't say what kind of laptop you have but my instructions will work with most.

    Turn off and unplug the computer.  Remove the battery.  Somewhere there will be some short screws next to hard drive symbols (little canisters); remove them.  Pull out on your hard drive enclosure.  Take the old hard drive out of the enclosure and put the new one in (may not be needed).  Slide the hard drive into the computer and replace the screws.

  4. Hi there,

    Laptop hard drives reasonably easy to replace. Usually, its just a job of taking a few screws out and pulling out your drive bay. Google is your friend. Here is a site that may help.

    Good Luck!

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