
How do I reply to this" We already have an office cleaning company"?

by  |  earlier

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I make frequent cold calls to prospective clients and many of them tell me that they already have a company that comes in and does this. Naturally, this is a real conversation stopper so I thank them for their time and hang up. Is there any techniques to get around this? What types of things would I say?




  1. Yes, but you have the wrong one. /

  2. the only way to work this is to offer your services for a cheaper price than the one they are currently paying.  

  3. Cold calling is so hard. They may not already have a company and are just telling you that so you will go away. If you have a "rate sheet" you could fax them, it might help, or maybe you could just say,

    "Can I fax your our information just in case?"

    Good luck.

  4. Are they happy with the service they have?  How much are they paying?  I can do a better job for less!!!!!!

    Virtually, everyone has a cleaning service already.  You have to start with that assumption and try to get that business.

    Good luck!

  5. Being on the RECEIVING end of those phone calls, I can tell you they are highly annoying (I don't mean to belittle what you do, I'm just telling it like it is).  Even if I didn't have a cleaning company already, I might say I did, simply so I wouldn't have to talk to a phone solicitor.  I suggest you find another form of advertising; this one doesn't seem to be effective for you anyway.  If someone has hired you to make these calls, maybe they've got suggestions on how to make you more successful.

  6. Yes, tell them you'd like to still give them a free estimate and can beat what they're currently paying. Always ask to speak directly to an owner or manager, and get their name. Keep this info written down for later in the future and call companies back again in a few months. Also, tell them things change, and ask if they'll keep your info in case they need it later on. Try to show up to offices in person instead of calling where you can introduce yourself and offer on the spot quotes for free. Have a business card handy and get ready to give a good estimate that's fair and not too expensive. Just be friendly and patient and get to the right person.  

  7. The first sentence you say when contacting your prospective clients is the most important. You should have an interesting and unique part of your service to open the discussion. "I represent XYZ Cleaning and we have a new type of  service that is not only less expensive, but uses only "green" cleaning materials", for example.

    Just asking if they currently have a service will usually get the response you mention. Almost all businesses have a current cleaning service. Your job will be to "get in the door", and that will take a great opening line.  

  8. Well... if I was you, I'd have seen that answer as my cue to start asking them if they're satisfied with their current company.

    don't ask confrontational questions though, ask them if they're satisfied, if you get a yes, ask if they can think of anything they would like improving... if you detect them hesitating at this, immediately jump in with things like "you'd agree no office can be too clean" and that sort of junk and start to win them around to your side to actually parlay your case.

    I think that gives you the general idea

  9. If they have one, they have one.  I would hang up on you if you kept talking after that. Go on to the next call.

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