
How do I report a collection agency for taking money out of my bank acct w/o permission?

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How do I report a collection agency for taking money out of my bank acct w/o permission?




  1. If they have a Judgment against you, they had the right to take it. If your account is linked to social security, they had no right to debit the account.  Just call Social Security toll free @ 1-800-772-1213.

  2. If they have a judgment against you, you have no case as they can use a myriad a ways to collect the money you owe them. Including bank holds, wage garnish, etc...

    If there's no judgmetnt then no they cant do that and it must be <30% of your income anyway. Contact the FTC asap.

  3. Contact your Better Business Bureau and your state's Banking Department-the Banking department will have more bite. Also contact your state's Attorney General's office. File complaints anywhere you can. You might want to be labeled a "crime victim" because as such you may be able to be reimbursed-sometimes you may have to file an actual police report.

    Good Luck

  4. You gave them your account info?

  5. s***w the Better Business Bureau.  They won't do anything.

    Assuming that there is not a judgment entered against you, then you need to contact your bank ASAP and (1) close the account and (2) tell them what happened and get your money back.

    If you feel that the collection agency unlawfully took money out of your account, file a police report.

    How did the collection agency get your bank account info?  Did you sign up for automatic payments?

  6. did you give them permission then changed your mind?

    contact the agency and tell them. they should have notes on this.

    also contact your bank to put a stop paying on it.

  7. Complain to the Better Business Bureau.

    The bank should have notified you beforehand before allowing it to happen. I would close my account with that bank and use another.

  8. The collection agency has every right to take from your account by court order. Did you forget to appear? There is a judgment on you and if you don't pay them this will have long term damage to your credit.

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