
How do I research the candidates in the upcoming Presidential Elections?

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I'm going to vote for the first time at 28 years old in the upcoming elections. I need help!? I realize it's not a popularity contest. I'm not just going to vote as though this is an American Idol contest; There is too much at stake. I'm not sure how to go about doing it though. I have many questions.

How can I research the candidates? Where can I get an impartial and independent assessment of their policies? Are any of the candidates policies actually feasible? How do I filter out the campaign promises from what they are expected to actually do? Many many more....This voting thing is not easy!

I realize that I first need to look at where I stand regarding "the issues" and then see which candidate also shares the same views. I also have to determine if they are not just telling me what I want to hear in order to get elected.

So what are your thoughts?




  1. It's hard, the liars are out in force making sure you can't really find out anything without it being contested by something that sounds true.

    You have to do a lot of research on your own. Those who do give both sides are maligned and lied about by those who don't want both sides out. Check what happened to Lieberman for speaking the truth about Iraq.

    Obama pledged to take public financing, and he broke it. Obama pledges a middle class tax cut, can you believe him? Bill Clinton also promised a middle class tax cut, and he gave us the largest tax increase in our history ... I'm pretty sure he didn't mean what he promised, and pretty sure Obama doesn't either, he's already lied about public financing. Those are facts, you need to build a view on facts.

    I don't trust McCain's word either, but one thing you can trust is their record and they usually follow what they have done or supported in the past, despite what they say. McCain is hard because he's been grooming himself for president so long and doing things that are inconsistent because I think he was grooming a maverick image, and partly because he really hated GWB for beating him in the 2000 primaries. McCain doesn't like graft and wasteful spending of tax dollars though.

    One thing I like better about Republicans than Democrats, is that the press gives democrats a free ride, as in when Bill Clinton's administration stole near 1000 republican FBI files, they really didn't care. When Nixon's employee stole one, there was an unholy uproar and it was like the sky was falling, and the guy went to jail. Clinton did so many things it's just incredible, including sexual harassment, 2 credible claims of rape, going around the state department and department of defense to sell top secret weapons tech to China, going through Ron Brown who was the secretary of commerce and had no authority to approve the deal, and Ron Brown later ended up dead after threatening he wasn't going down alone when he got in hot water,  but nothing in the press about this stuff. You can bet that any dirt on a republican will be shouted from the rooftops by the liberal media, which includes almost all of the media in the US.

    Some will refute the facts about Obama and Clinton, because they pretty much live on lies, and the truth would have the effect on their foundation that a bucket of water had on the wicked witch of the west, but true they are, and it's verifiable if you look long enough ... but that won't stop the insistent denial to throw you off. That is what they live on, which is deception.

    I'm an independent, because I truth none of them, but what is can't be changed so I don't attempt to make everything equal, because it's not. It just is what it is.

    Good stinking luck! LOL It's pretty hard to keep things strait out there.


  2. They both have web sites that say what their plans/promises are, that  is a place to start. McCain and Obama are both Senators so their votes in senate are public record you should be able to find out how they voted and if they were with or against the President. Check out their state website where they are senator, as well as Washington.

    Just google their names and make sure the information on the web ends in .gov. or is reputable for information. Both of them have books outlining thier plans;check your library. Talk to people for their views.

    I know its  a lot , but I am sure you will make an informed decision when you vote.  

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