
How do I reset my internet connection without unplugging it?

by  |  earlier

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If I turn off my laptop or even just push the screen down and then reopen it, I have to disable the connection, unplug the wireless and modem boxes wait a minute plug them in again and then re-enable the connection to access the internet again.

I don't mind doing this although it's a pain, it's just that the connection is always 'excellent' when I turn the laptop back on. It's only the browser that can't see the connection. Is there a way to reset the connection without unplugging the modem?




  1. it happens to me when i switch my modem from my desktop PC to my laptop. When i plug it into laptop, the modem has acquired the IP address for the desktop, not the laptop. you have to reset the box so it can re-reset for the laptop's addresses and settings, otherwise it'll say invalid IP address-because that address is alredy assigned to another computer.

  2. download it

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