
How do I resign with minimal fuss?

by  |  earlier

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I posted a question previously about not liking my job. Ive only been there for two weeks but I know its not for me. I havent been trained and found out I'll just get some "here and there". I've watched the other people that do the job and its really not what I expected. I know for sure its not for me I'm not required to give any notice, e.g - a week / month etc, as I've only been there 2 weeks. My leaving wont make a difference. I have received a job offer from somewhere else. I'm just scared as to how my manager will react. Any advice would be appreciated.




  1. Just write a short letter to your boss saying that you will be resigning your job as of, oh let's say, tomorrow.  I would leave this job off my resume.

  2. Just write out your 1 week resignation and drop it on the managers desk when they are not there.

    If they haul you in and ask you to leave then do but if they try and keep you there then stand firm and explain that you have other employment lined up already.

  3. Dont be scared, Be Yourself, be honest, tell them its not for you and leave, or stay and regret it.

    Or just say " Bollocks to this, Im Off"

    Get out live, sense. enjoy

  4. You have only been there two weeks so he wont care, you are of value to him yet. Just tell him sorry, i do not like the work and give them a weeks notice. He will probably say dont bother you can finish today. If you are not required to give ANY notice - which is unusual - if you have done 2 weeks work you are entitled to 2 weeks pay and that is what you will get.

  5. i'd wait until you have a job offer, then simply hand in your notice, and then walk out. by the time your manager reads your letter, you're gone. no fuss.  

  6. In my experience, quite a lot of people just don't turn up. I wouldn't do that though, I'd put my concerns to a manager first. If you're not happy with their answer, just pretend you are for the rest of the day and then don't turn up the following day.

  7. Are you on a trial period? If so, just go in and say the job wasn't what you expected and you are leaving. As a manager myself, this would be the way I would expect an employee to act. There should be no hard feelings. After all, you don't need a reference from them if you already have another job. Don't be too worried, it will go fine. Good luck.  

  8. Regardless of how you feel about your employer, this job, however brief, is a part of your experience chart for the future.  As such, it is inherently important that you show the employer respect and leave in the most intelligent way possible.  I would simply write a very polite letter, stating that while you have enjoyed your brief time at the company, you feel that it is simply not for you and as such, you would like to leave quickly and move onto something that may interest you more.  Simply show him the letter, await his response ( which should not be that bad! ) and when he asks you when you would like to finish, make your move to ask to go asap. The truth and politeness should reward you well here .... remember you don't know what the next job brings until you are actually doing it!   Good luck ...

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