
How do I resolve the issue of objects from my past single life possibly seeping into my life when I have kids?

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For example, I have some DVD's in my collection now that I'm not sure I'd want my future children to see. It's not p**n or anything like that, but mature themed movies (e.g. - Kill Bill, Pulp Fiction).

I like these movies and don't want to get rid of them. But, I feel it's my responsibility as a future father to have the best environment for my future children, and I wouldn't want them to stumble upon such movies and have it influence them negatively.

What should I do when that time comes? What's a good solution?




  1. Don't get rid of your movies man...I think you might be going a little overboard...your having a child, you aren't moving into the monastery.  How about if you put all your 'adult' stuff in a closet and lock it?

  2. Keep them in public view and with the ONLY dvd player in the house so you know what your kid is watching.  No TVs in their room till they are16 and no unsupervised access to a computer till they go off to college.

  3. don't remove your movies-unless they are p**n. if they are they should be put up in your room, unaccessable to the kids. (there is nothing wrong with a married couple having p**n!)

    i do a sticker thing with mine. the movies with the blue star, means don't let me catch you watching this or you have had it. we have kill bill and pulp fiction also. my kids have never seen them.

    i would not remove them, teach your children to obey you when you tell them something. if you say not to do something (watching a movie that is yours) then they should not do it. if they disobey, that means punishment. my kids know to ask me if they can watch something unless it is disney-they have even called me from sleepovers. you have to establish it from the beginning, thenyou shouldn't have any problems.

  4. The best solution - keep them where you would normally keep them. Explain to your kids that these are adult movies and are ONLY for adults. They are off limits unless you say otherwise. I do not believe in hiding things from my child, as he'll probably find them anyways. If he finds something hidden and doesn't know what it is, then he'll be more inclined to find out. I have a good relationship with my son. He knows what he is and is not allowed to do. If he doesn't know, he asks. Its really that simple. If you go sneaking around trying to hide things, your child will too.  

  5. My husband and I have those same sort of movies in our collection, right here in the living room.  We have a shelf for our movies, and one for the kids' movies.  If they ask to watch a movie that we find inappropriate, we just say, that isn't for kids.  It doesn't make you a bad parent, or a hypocrite or anything like that.  You don't have to spend the rest of your life watching the Veggie Tales just because you have kids.  You just have to raise your kids with the understanding that some things in life are just for adults, and some things are for kids.  Be honest with your kids, and raise them with the discipline that the rules are the rules and that is just the way it is.

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