
How do I restring my weedwacker??????

by  |  earlier

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The darn instructions didn't come with illustrations!




  1. I've got a woodwacker.

  2. In most cases just loosen the nut or big s***w on the bottom and the spool falls right off........then take the spool in hand to a store and the he** is this....can you give me another........have fun.......take the name of your whacker with you.........good luck

  3. to open it up you generally have to push down and twist like a medicine container.  then watch as you take it apart becasue you will have to put it back together.  cut off about 12 feet of string.  then you will see little notches in the winder.  notch the string about 8 inches from the end in the notch and begin to wind it.  when you come to about 8 inches left on the other side, notch the other end.  now put it back together.

  4. take it to home depot or the garden center at walmart and let one of the guys there show you how or go to this old and look it up. that is an awesome site.

  5. It is simple to do. Does it use 2 strands to cut? Buy some string. The thinner the string the better it cuts. The fatter the longer it lasts. Pull the head off. On the reel there should be arrows pointing in the direction to wind the string. Wind it in that direction and insert the string in the little gaps to hold the string in place. Put the reel back on the trimmer pulling the strings through the holes. You will likely feel the string pop out of the gap/string holder. Then put the cap back on.

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