
How do I rid my house of a ghost?

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How do I rid my house of a ghost?




  1. Yup, just ask it to leave.

  2. Stop believing in it.

  3. Invite your neighbours' kids over for the night.  I am sure everything will be gone by dawn.

  4. Just ask it to leave.

  5. First, ask it to leave and go to the light. If that doesn't work, then try what Reiki Chick has suggested. And if that doesn't work, ask a priest to bless your house. It really depends on the spirit you're dealing with.

  6. I have to assume that this ghost is bothering you if not let it be. To be rid of it is not as easy as saying a few words because sometimes you are what is attracting it. Sometimes it is not a ghost but energy left in a spot to be repeated over and over. One cannot remove this. If you want it gone state by praying out out loud with emotion and to read Scripture out loud and demand for it to leave. You are the light in this dimension and you have the power not the ghost. E-mail me if you would like to go further

  7. There are a few things you can do.

    First off, chances are, if its a ghost - as in the soul of a deceased person - then it is stuck between the worlds. I would recommend inviting it to go to the light, and also praying for it because it needs your help.

    If that doesn't work you can smudge your space, or white light it. Either are usually pretty effective.

    Smudging is a native indian custom that involves burning sage sticks (dried bundle of sage) and blowing the smoke into all areas of the home.

    White lighting is a visualization wherein you would imagine filling the house with white light which cleans everything and pushes out all negativity.

    Those are the short -versions of each. If you would like to email  me I would be happy to give you more details.

    I hope that helps. :)

  8. Could you elaborate a little more as to the facts of what is occurring in the home?

    If the haunting happens in the basement, it could very well be the electromagnetic field associated with live wires that aren't very well insulated.

    You'll feel uneasy, and paranoid that someone is watching you, and that you don't want to spend any time in that room.

    If you feel sick and nauseous, that could be an indication of a gas leak in the home.

    If there is mold in the home, it can affect you the same way as a gas leak.

    If you have an infestation of insects or rodents, you may be hearing them scratching around in between walls.

    If the floors and walls shake, that could be caused by your furnace.

    If pipes clang, or floor boards make a popping noise ( like something is walking across them), that very well could be the heat in the home causing pipes and floorboards to expand and contract.

    Home feels drafty? Then maybe try insulting around windows and doors.

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