
How do I run fast in a 400m race?

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How do I run fast in a 400m race?




  1. Don't sprint your hardest at the start.

  2. You run a 400 just like you 're running a 100, with one difference; you're not trying to win. You run the first three 100s that way, conciously sprinting, but not trying to win. The last 100 becomes the first 100, because the first three hundreds didn't exist; now you're trying to win a 100m race. Now you're on fire! They can't touch you!

    You can either do it that way or divide it into two 200m races. It just depends on your strengths and weakness. If you enjoy 100s more, divide it into 4; if you enjoy running 200s more, divide it into 2.

    Hope you understand. Now go out there and get 'em!

  3. i dunno, have someone at the side yelling "RUN FOREST, RUN!" :D xx

  4. Firstly, you need to start, not with a 400m, but a 100m or 200m.  Concentrate on getting a decent time on these.  Not every good sprinter can run a 400m race.  It requires a certain amount of stamina,strength and overall concentration.  If you join an athletics club, the coaches there will be able to help you find out if you are up for being a 'fast' 400m runner.  

    Once you've got the hang of 100m/200m and you think that you are able to do a 400m, go for it.  Pace yourself out for the first 200m- go at about 3/4 speed.  Then, once you get to the 200m stage, extend your pace a little, putting more energy into stretching your legs out and covering as much distance as possible.  Then, for the home straight, do as one of the other commenters suggested, and run it like a 100m.  Put everything else out of your mind, and just run as fast as you can!

    Good Luck!

  5. Pace yourself try to save some energy for the finishing straight! :)

    You run faster by training.

  6. best thing you can do is relax. hard i know, considering your sprinting. train hard. e.g do a couple of 40 yard dash/ 30 metre sprints. dont do more than a couple tho, then ud be training endurace, not speed. alltho train more than you would for a 100, but less than you would a 800. that way u get the balance.





    oh and biggest help dont think that your going slow concentrate on someone else failing and it helps you do it better

  8. Sprint your *** off : )

  9. You need to improve your sprint finish, imagine you have 4 gears

    start/2nd/ 3rd...where youre sprinting and 4th where youre at full throttle get a good club and race against some 200m runners,

    listen learn good luck!

  10. Just keep a good pace with the rest of the runners and then as you approach the final straight go all out.

    Its crucial you breath properly during the fist 300m so that your body can work anaerobically during the last 100m

    Good luck

  11. It depends if you are asking about running a fast one off 400m race, or to train to run a fast 400m race.

    If you are running a one off race, then you have to pace yourself. Start off a bit slower than you think you should, and aim to be about 3rd place round the first corner or so. Keep close to the person in front of you.That way the person in front is reducing the wind resistance for you and saving you energy. For the last corner move out and overtake the people in front - you should have more energy and have run a fast race. It is easier to chase people - you can see yourself closing in on them, than trying to keep ahead of them (you cant see your chasers).

    If you are wanting to train to run the 400m there are a few things you can do. Mostly it is to train running on the track. Start each of these sessions with a warm up jog, and end with a cool down. Here are a few ideas to try:

    Do 'long' fast runs - 500 or 600m at nearly race speed, this wil give you stamina to complete the 400m (and then you wont slow near the end). Rest and repeat

    Do short sprints, 100m and 200m, this gives you 'fast legs' and the 200m teaches you how to corner quickly. Rest and repeat

    Do practice starts

    Jog 400m and then sprint 100m which trains your body for a sprint finish

    Off the track, try finding a hill to spriont up, maybe one about 100m long if you can and sprint up it hard - gives you leg muscles

    Find your hill again, jog up it and run down fast - gives you fast legs

    Do some weight training, leg muscles, and torso and arms.

    Good luck

  12. always  START  with  1  ft  then  the  other  and  IF  your  contamplatIng  speed  then  a  large  piece   meat   down  the  BACK  of  your   SHORTS  and  a  pair  of   dobermen  on  the  loose  SHOULD  REALY  HELP   your  S  P  E  E  D  B.O.l,

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