
How do I run the 1,500 Meters?

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I have been picked to run the 1,500 meters for sports day, I am 12 years old and have run a lot but not that much, I am dreading running it. Are there any tips on training how to do the 1,500 meters and if so how fast should I run it in.




  1. Practise is key. Try doing the run a couple of time by yourself to get an idea of what the run is like, go to the circuit you will be running on and have a go, most school tracks are 200m so it would be seven circuits (check that though no need to run too far).

    For the actual run, remember it is a long way do not rush out ahead, they will be the kids that will be staggering around at the end, settle into a pattern and try to lose yourself in the rhythm of your running (not easy to do, but once achieved will make the run easier). Do not compete with the other people by the end you will be tired and sore, it will be then that you will realise that the only person you were ever against was yourself.

  2. I would suggest having some one to coach you , it is about stamina pace and timing it right , run too fast too quickly you burn out , so you practise 1500, preferably with a pacer fellow runner , the trick is is to run at a steady pace and to your own rhythm , conserving your energy for the final push , you will find your own style in this , but only when you feel it right to go the last 500mtrs do you really  go for it good luck and don't be worried it is a good honour to be selected in any event good luck

  3. HI

    I have just done the 1500 meters  and got 6 Min's.

    Start off at a slow jog Then build up th past on the 2ND and 3rd when you get to the last 100 meters sprint with all the energy you have have left an you will end up getting a dissent time.

  4. Left foot, right foot, left foot, right foot etc.

  5. okay go yu

  6. Ok, i would star off fast on thequarter lap to get a good position, then on the second lap stay with the leaders, then on the last lap sprint as fast as you can to the line

  7. I would say run twice the distance each day and by the time the race gets to you. The distance will be nothing and then the only trick is good pacing and breathing =D.

  8. If you want to get good at running, you just need to run!

    go for a run 3 to 5 days a week.  Run as far as you can, then stop.  Run a little bit farther each time.  

    the trick is to not start out to fast.  You want to feel like you're running at a good pace, but never start out sprinting.  The more you practice, the more you will get a feel for how fast you should go.  

    Good luck!

  9. firs you have analyze where your speed is compared to the distance of 1500 meters.

    I would build the endurance to running 1500 meters by running about 2 miles every day.  

    If you have the endurance or just finished training for it, start your speed work outs.  try running 4 400 twice a week and your two miles for four days of the week.

  10. One foot in front of the other numb nuts!!

  11. il let my dog off it's lead(wolf) just at the start and that'l make you run alright............


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