I bought a gas grill last Friday, but when I tried to plug it in, I discovered that the outlet in my garage wasn't working. I pulled the cover off and found the problem right away; the wires were covered with plastic! Everyone knows that wires only work when they're metal. Using my lucky cheese grater, I shaved the pesky plastic off the wires and replaced the cover. Sure enough, the gas grill fired right up!
This morning, I got up and started grating some cheese for an omelet with my lucky cheese grater, but something smelled strange. I traced it back to the garage, where I found smoke coming out of the wall near the outlet I had repaired. Where there's smoke, there's fire, so I poured water into the outlet until the smoked stopped coming out. Apparently I missed some of the plastic garbage on the wires, and it caused them to malfunction.
How can I safely remove the rest of the plastic from the wires? The cheese grater got most of it off, but it's not good in hard-to-reach places.