
How do I save money when I don't have a lot to save?

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I need to be saving money for a trip I'm planning coming up in December. Time has actually gotten away from me ( I'm a procrastinator) and here it is almost September and I have no money saved for this trip. I need about 600 dollars saved up.

What is the best way to save money and cut corners?

After bills are paid I have about 300-400 dollars left over for food, gas, and misc. So.. How can I stretch that and ALSO have some left to save and still be able to go on my trip to see my family?

I know I'm a jerk and I'm slightly irresponsible sometimes, I know this, so please no comments on that, I'm aware. lol I can't cancel now either or my family will be so disappointed and they will really know how lame I am. Any advice is welcomed! Thanks so much!




  1. It's hard to save money if you're not making a lot. Not sure where you can cut, so it may come down to earning some extra money. That may mean a part time job or odd jobs around the neighborhood. Whether that be baby sitting, cutting grass, washing cars, dog walking I don't know. But god luck to you.  

  2. Your story leaves you wide open for a tone of criticisms.  You basically have :

    option A - don't see your family and use the pain of their disapointment as a motivation to not procrastinate next time - or -

    option B - Eat macaroni & cheese and top ramon type food & water budget meals.

    Basically, a personal budget is nothing more than restricting your spending vs. what you deposit in your bank. Since you can't go to your boss and ask for a raise to make up your inability to save.....then cut back on that's in your control "spending". That to which is in your control is food (costs).  Not that you cut out food, just cut out buying too much, too expensive or too wasteful.  Either way, I;'m sure there's something in your fridge or pantry that you can look at and tell yourself, you don;t really need that.  Examples: Hamburger vs. steak. Go to your local farmers market vs. grocery store priced produce. Do you really need to go to the movie?  Wait and rent it on DVD. Better yet, don't rent it, wait for it to come out on TV. Better yet, what premium channels do you have on your cable or dish?  Cancell them.  Oh yea, my favorite Obama quote...........inflate your tires and spend less at the pump.

    Much you can do to save money by not spending it in the first place.

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