
How do I save myself the embarassment...?

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At swimming, my swim coach sometimes picks 2 people and then they have to take it in turns to choose people to be on their team to do relay races, and I'm always last to be picked. It's really embarassing and I hate it. What should I do?




  1. u should work REALLY hard 2 get your coaches approval, if u r not already a fast swimmer. if u r a fast swimmer, then try and b friends with more ppl on your swim team. mayb then, u could b picked first. if u still r picked last, just try and shrug it off w/ a little joke.


  2. Well, i used to have the same thing happened to me. All you gotta do is make friends on the team! Make sure you are friends with everyone and make sure you work VERY hard in practice. Show yourself off at the meets. And, if that doesn't work.. MAKE THE OTHER TEAM SORRY THEY DIDN'T PICK YOU FIRST! Beat `em! =)

    PS-Someone ALWAYS has to be last... =\

  3. simple, just get a life

  4. You can work really hard on your team so the next person will want to pick you because they know you are good. You could talk to the other people on your swim team and ask them not to pick you last.

  5. just work really hard to get faster..then they will want to pick you

  6. work really hard to become a better swimmer but even if u dont suceed, just keep ur head held high and be confident

  7. You should try your hardest and then maybe you'll be picked sooner. You can also make friends and have them pick you before the last person. Maybe your picked last because evryone picks their friends. If you made more friends, then you could be picked sooner. Also you have to realize that someone always has to be picked last. Maybe everyone doesn't know you yet and are unsure if they want you on their team. Just try your hardest and try not to let it show that your hurt because you were picked last.

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