
How do I search for something like "%4R" and make it include the "%"?

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I'm trying to search for a specific encoding that takes the form %4R%6S%72..., yet both Yahoo! and Google always strip out the %, giving me no relevant results at all. Is there a special search engine somewhere that allows symbols to be included in the search, or some advanced method of searching for this through Yahoo! or Google?




  1. There's no way to tell Yahoo or Google to search for a percent sign.

    Certain characters, such as %, +, !, ?, etc., are simply not allowed as, or part of, search terms in most search engines. Unless a search engine creates exceptions for common search terms that use them ("c++" and "$10", for example) the search engine treats these characters as word seperators.

    Not only are they ignored in a search term, they're not even indexed in the first place.

    This is what Google has to say on the matter: .

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